
Home of the glorious Golden Temple, the iconic city of Amritsar, portrays the heroic character of the Punjab. A day in this peaceful city starts with the spiritual prayers from Gurudwaras. The original name of first the ancient lake, then of the temple complex, and later the surrounding city, meaning “pool of ambrosial nectar.”

Amritsar is the spiritual and cultural centre of the Sikh Religion. Baisakhi festival brings out Amritsar’s resplendent face with its finest food, clothes and merry-making. This place is also famous for its Jallianwala Bagh massacre and its proximity to Wagah Border. The satiating food and generous dollops of legendary Punjabi hospitality further connive to cast a spell upon the visitor. From the Operation Blue Star in the Golden Temple to the tragedy of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Amritsar has seen the worst of situations and yet emerged like a phoenix through testing times. Amritsar today is a thriving city with active trade and tourism industries. One of the most agriculturally productive cities of India, Amritsar is well connected with most of the important cities of India.
History Of Amritsar
Amritsar derives its name from Amrit Sarovar which was built by Guru Ram Das in the village of Tung. Guru Ram Das believed that the waters of the lake had healing powers. The land was bought by him for a small amount of 700 rupees, and a temple complex was built around it. Gradually, the village developed and came to be known as Chakk Ram Das which finally became Amritsar that translates to pool of nectar.

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